Science- main branches of science | Defination


Science is the study of the natural world or physical universe. It is the knowledge of anything that can be verified by experiments.

Science main branch of science

Science is organised into different fields of study. These include physics, chemistry, biology, geography, earth science, geology, resource science, mathematics, nutrition, astronomy, biotechnology, engineering, and computer and information technology.

Scientist term 

The term scientist was coined by william whewell . Scientist are people who study science. They use observation, experimentation, and theory to collect facts and learn about a subject. 

They perform experiments and record their results, which form the bisis of science and the scientific knowledge around us. 

Scientist gain knowledge in the different fields of science by using specific ways and methods.


A laboratory or lab is a building or a part of building fitted with scientific equipment. Scientist do experiments in labs. 
Science main branch laboratory

Labs in school and colleges are the classroom where practical learning and demonstration take place labs can be found in school and colleges and universities, in industries, in government or military facilities, and even abroad ships and spacecrafts.

Categories of  science:-

Science has been broadly divided into three major categories;-

● Natural science 

● Social science 

● Applied science 

◆ Natural science:-

Natural science is a rational approach to the study of nature and the universe. It is understood as obeying the rules or laws of natural origin.
Natural sciences include biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. They form the basis of the applied sciences.

◆ Social science:-

Social sciences study the human aspects of the world. It is a broad academic area that imcludes Sociology, anthtoanthro, economics, social science, phychology, political science, education, and history, social scientists apply different scientific and statical methods in their work.

◆ Applied science :-

Applied science is a science of applying scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. 
It is closely related to engineering. Besides engineering, it includes agriculture, automobile, engineering, economics, construction, architecture, air-conditioning, and communication.

● Biology:-

Biology is the study of all living organisms on earth. It is the science of life. Biology includes the study of the structure, functions, growth, origin,  evolution, and distribution of all living organisms. Biology is devided into two major branches:-
Botany and zoology

Botany studies plant life and zoology studies animal life. Other biological disciplines include physiology, cytology, genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology.

◆ Physics:-

Physics is the study of matter and energy and their actions upon each other. It is applied in the fields of aeronautics, eclctrielec, heat, light, mechaniscs, and sound. It is studied by physicists. 

The science of physics includes many sub branches like atomic physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, quantum physics and atmospheric physics. Atomic physics deals with atoms as a whole while nuclear physics deals specifically with the nucleus of the atom. Particle physics deals with the study of sub-atomic particles. 

Quantum physics deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum theory.
Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to study of the atmosphere.

◆ Chemistry:-

Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter. It also studies the chemical process of matter. It is divided into several branches such as physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. 

Physical chemistry deals with the physical properties of the chemical substances. 
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon and it's compounds, formed especially with hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. 

About 3 million organic compounds have been identified and named so far. 
Inorganic chemistry is the study of the properties and reactions af inorganic compounds.

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