Human body- Organs | Body | Infancy | Childhood | adolescence | adulthood

Human body

The human body is made up of different organs that perform specific functions.

Organs that function together make up the different body system of the human body. 

Thes organs are made up of tissues which, in turn, are made up of billions of cells.

The life cycle of a human being goes through four important stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. 

Every human being grows from one life stage to the next in a repeated pattern generation after generation. 

A human being develops from a single cell, the tiniest building block of life. After conception , the single fertilised cell, lodge in a woman's womb, multiplies and forms a foetus . 

Th foetus develops due to the rapid multiplication of cells and develops different body parts. 

This process of development from a single cell to a full term infant takes 40 weeks.

Body system

Body system are an organisation of different that perform specialised functions.

The major body system include the circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, integumentary system, lymphatic system, muscular system, nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, skeleton system, and the urinary system.

Eating system:-

Food plays an important role in keeping us healthy. Quality food eaten in the right amount helps us live a long and healthy life.

According to various studies and research, the right foods also prevent and control diseases like diabetes, Right foods also provide nutreints such as calcium and iron and help us keep our weight under control. The calories we get from food can be balanced by doing physical activities.


Infancy is the period from birth to the age of two years. An infant is totally dependent upon his or her parents for food, movement, changing clothes, and bathing. A child learns a lot of things at this stage like walking, running, speaking and responding after listening.


Childhood is the stage between infancy and adolescence. A child develops intellectual skills such as reading and writing at this stage.

Human body | childhood image

Bones and teeth grow rapidly and temporary teeth are replaced by permanent teeth.

Children grow in height and weight and there is a development of body parts and organs.

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Foods that help in growth

● milk with low fat and cholesterol such as     skimmed milk.

● low fat milk products such as cheese and     yoghurts and dishes made with milk like       puddings and and soups.

● canned fish such as sardines and salmon,    polutry without skin, and learn meat.

● Dark green leafy vegetables and deep 
   yellow vegetables.

● citrus fruits or fruits juices, melons, and 

● Dry beans like red beans and soybeans,         lentils, chickpeas, and peanuts.

● whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats,         corn, and barley.


Adolescence is the stage of growth between childhood and adulthood. The body becomes sexually mature at this stage.

It involves biological, cognitive, and Socio-emotional changes. The world health organisation defines the age range 10-19 years as adolescence, 10-14 years as early adolescence, and 15-19 years as late adolescence.

The common changes that take place in boys during this age are increased growth, growth of hair over the body, their Adam's apple becomes more prominent, and their voice deepens.

Girls gain extra weight, their breasts develop, their hips become more prominent, and there is commencement of menarche. Teenagers are prone to acne at this stage.

Weight control and physical activity:-

Weight control and physical activity are important in preventing various health problems. 

Too much weight and too little weight are both harmful for the human body. A person can control his or her weight by eating healthy foods and being physically active. 

According to research, physical activity can help prevent at least six diseases: heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity (excess weight), diabetes, osteoporosis, and mental disorders, such as depression.

Staying healthy:-

Staying healthy requires some important points to be taken care of.

● Eating a good and nutritious diet is very important. Different kinds of food and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables provide us with a variety of nutrients.

● physical activity and exercise is also important to keep us healthy. Exercise keep us fit.

● Avoiding smoking and alcohol is good for every human being.

● Regular health check-out are very important. They help detect diseases at the right time.


Adulthood is the mature stage of a human being. The body gradually slows the development process during this period. 

Certain changes such as hair fall and decreasing ability for physical activity are normal at this stage.

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