Universe | notes about Universe.

Universe :- 

The universe includes all the matter and energy that exists.

It includes the earth and all other planets, stars, galaxies, and all that they contain.

Universe image

The entire cosmos, from the smallest particles on earth to the largest galaxies in space, in the universe.

Scientist believe that the universe we all know of may be one of a series of many other universes.

They know very little about the size of the universe but believe that it is trillions of light year across.


The color of the universe was identity by astronomers at the John's Hopkins university, united states.

Initially, the colour was thought to be greenish-white but later it was confirmed as beige.


The universe is composed of dark energy and dark matter. It consist of 73 per cent dark energy and 23 percent dark matter.
The remaining 4% consist of atoms.

The elemental composition of the universe is helium. The remaining 1% is composed of other chemical elements.

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Cosmology is the scientific study of the origin, development, and future of the universe. 

It is also deals with physical and metaphysical means of sustenance of the universe. 

The word cosmology is derived from cosmos meaning universe and logy meaning study.


Multiverse is a hypothetical set of multiple possible universe. It includes our universe along with everything that exists. 

The different universes within a multiverse are called parallel universe. 

The multiverse theory is a recently accepted theory of the formation of the universe. 

Cosmic microwave background radiation:-

Astronomers have discovered the presence of various type of radiations in the universe. 

Objects in space release XrayX- gamma rays, infra rays, and electromagnetic radiations.

Cosmic microwave background radiations is also a form electromagnetic radiations present in the universe. 

It was discovered by Arno penzias and Robert Wilson in 1965, while its existence was first predicted by george Gamow in 1948 and by Ralph Salphet and Robert Hurman in 1950. 

Cosmic microwave background radiations is believed to be the evidence for the big bang model of the universe.

Observable universe:-

The observable universe is a part of the universe, which can be seen with the help of large telescope. 

It has around 140 billion galaxies made up of billions of stars. 

According to inflationary cosmology, the observable universe is much smaller than the entire universe.

Dark energy and dark universe:-

Dark energy is gravitationally repulsive material that fills the entire space in the universe and acts against gravity. 

Dark energy increases the expansion of the universe by pushing the galaxies away fron each other. 

Astronomers believe that 95% of the mass of the universe consist of dark matter. 

Dark matter is not visible to us because it emits no radiation and can be detected only by its gravitational pull on visible matter.
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